[Typo3-german] lastupdate with select.pidInList problem

Gerhard Rasi rasi at rasi.ch
Thu Aug 25 18:57:31 CEST 2005

i have the problem with the select.pidInList and the lastupdate
when i update the left or right column the lastupdate overwrites the
date on all pages
how to exclude the left or right column from lastupdate?
i tested many variants like "page.10.marks.INHALT.LAST_UPDATE <
styles.content.lastUpdate" but
nothing helps
any ideas?
thanks in advance for any help and sorry for bad english
##########Letztes update
styles.content.lastUpdate.comment_auto = 
styles.content.lastUpdate.label = Aktualisiert:
styles.content.lastUpdate.format = d.m.Y, H:t
styles.content.lastUpdate.wrap = <div class="lastupdate">|
##########ende letztes update

# Contentelemente zuweisen
page.10.workOnSubpart = DOKUMENT
page.10.marks.INHALT = CONTENT
page.10.marks.INHALT < styles.content.get
page.10.marks.LAST_UPDATE < styles.content.lastUpdate
page.10.marks.RECHTS < styles.content.getRight
page.10.marks.RECHTS.select.pidInList = 1
page.10.marks.LINKS < styles.content.getLeft
page.10.marks.LINKS.select.pidInList = 1
page.10.marks.COUNTER = TEXT
page.10.marks.COUNTER < plugin.tx_cscounter_pi1
alt_print.10.marks.INHALT < styles.content.get


Gerhard Rasi
Gemshalde 26
CH-8200 Schaffhausen
Email rasi at rasi.ch
http://www.rasi.ch <http://www.rasi.ch/> 


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