[Typo3-german] sys_action and SwitchUser

Frederic Gaus mailinglists at necroshine.de
Mon Aug 15 12:18:05 CEST 2005

Hi people!

I use the sys_action extension for enabling my be_users to create their
own be_users. This works really nice. Thanks for the advice again.

Furthermore my be_users should be able to su to their users without
changin their password. I'm searching for a way similar to "User-Admin
-> SU". Is there an existing possibility?

If there is no possibility yet, would it be possible to extend this
sys_action extension with these "SU-Links", using the same
"SwitchUser=[uid]" param as in the User-Admin Module? Where is this
param-evaluation implemented so that I could make it fit for my needs?

Thanks for helping

Frederic Gaus                                 pgp-key: 93E6903C
fingerprint: 0C55 4517 CC1E 5F7F 9059  3535 AB54 D8E8 93E6 903C

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