[TYPO3-english] mod.web_layout.tt_content.preview.*
Christian Tauscher
christian.tauscher at media-distillery.de
Sun Mar 18 16:13:57 CET 2018
Ich have found this in
an tried this width TYPO3 V8.7, with no real success :-(
I can't see why!?
in TSetup (on page) I put
mod.web_layout.tt_content.preview.text =
and in EXT templates the file is present.
but ist is not used. Does anyone has experience with this feature?
Then I did install the ETX:fluid_preview
see https://forge.typo3.org/issues/69459
This EXT registers the TSsetup for CType header and the new template file.
-> This works.
Changing header to e.g. text it fails again...
Thank you for any help to change the BE preview of Core ContentElements,
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