[TYPO3-english] Custom Extension Adjustment to 6.2

Simon Prammer simon.prammer at incert.at
Thu Jan 25 07:54:31 CET 2018

Hello everyone!

I currently got the task to upgrade a custom made CRM extension named "kbs". It was developed on TYPO3 4.7 and using old namespaces in its classes like "Tx_Kbs_Service_TestService" etc.

I want to upgrade this whole extension to be able to work properly with our current backend version of 6.2. More specifically i want to be able to use the extension builder to make changes to this extension which i am currently not able to do on the 6.2 TYPO3 backend. It is not even an option to select the "kbs" extension in the extension builder.

Of course i reasearched the web but I find it very difficult to find information what you have to do in order to addapt a custom extension.
So far I assume that i will have to change all the namespaces in all my classes manually and maybe watch out for decrecated classes. But I do not really know if that is the way to go.

Does anyone have and guidelines, links or tipps for me? I would really appreciate it!

Thanks in advance,

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