[TYPO3-english] Login Trouble and Site Down

RDE Wiesbaden rdewiesbaden at t-online.de
Fri Sep 1 22:58:13 CEST 2017

Am 01.09.2017 22:12, schrieb Julianne Z:
> I'm going in circles and am desperate for help, please! My login credentials all of a sudden didn't work as of two days ago (no one seems to have changed them) and today the whole
> website has crashed. If it helps, the website is for the pianist Haochen Zhang, which you can Google if needed - I can't insert the link since I'm a new user.
> Perhaps someone can help me with the login issues so then I can better address the site crash? I tried editing the database directly using the directions here (again, I can't
> insert the link, but it's the Reset Admin Password page on TYPO3's Wiki FAQ page), but the new password still did not work. I also tried adding a new admin user through the Install
> Database Analyzer, but it gives the following error message "Error: INSERT command denied to user '[omitted for security]' for table 'be_users'"
> Oh and if it's helpful to know I found out the site is running on TYPO3 4.5.30 (which I know now is ancient) and I just updated my PHP version to 5.6 today after the crash and
> discovering the TYPO3 version is so out of date. (It was running 5.3.) I noticed version 7 of TYPO3 needs an updated PHP.
> Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions to help me!! I will update the TYPO3 version once I can log in and I hope that helps re-instate the site. It seems I can't update
> it without being able to log in to the backend of TYPO3.


I had the same errror some weeks ago, my harddisk on this server was fully
blocked by constantly growing log-files.

you need to have access to the operating system level via putty.
that means shell access via ssh

if its a linux server, the command line comand "df -h" shows the
usage of your central system disc

if the disc is 100% full, you need to erease some logfiles
in var/log/ oder in var/log/apache

and then the first job is a backup !!!

mit freundlichen Grüßen

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