[TYPO3-english] Extbase Pluigin error: Ext Direct error in "TYPO3\CMS\Core\ExtDirect\ExtDirectApi" with namespace

Marcus Bieber maximaexchen at gmx.de
Wed Nov 2 11:27:33 CET 2016

Hi everybody,

I have follwing error:

"#1297645190: Ext Direct error in "TYPO3\CMS\Core\ExtDirect\ExtDirectApi" with namespace: "TYPO3"\n Try to clear the TYPO3 cache and / or use paramater no_cache=1 as parameter in URL typo3/ajax.php\n\n Check also the following points:\n - configuration in ext_localconf.php: registration key should be like "TYPO3.MyExtension.Sample"\n - URL typo3/ajax.php: namespace parameter should be like: "TYPO3.MyExtension"\n - javascript: method\'s name should be like: "TYPO3.MyExtension.Sample.myMethod"\n"

Typo3 6.2.27
Extbase Extension through ExtensionBuilder

Error on Page with a plugin of that Extension.


    'MyVendor.' . $_EXTKEY,


    'MyVendor.' . $_EXTKEY,
		'Job' => 'list',

	// non-cacheable actions
        'Job' => 'list',

The only solution I found is here in last Block (german):
typo3.net / forum / thematik / zeige / thema / 118843 /
(sorry not allowed to post links)

The advice to change Vendor did not help.

Any advice?

Thanks and regards

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