[TYPO3-english] AMP pages, amp-img instead of img src from RTE
Bernd Wilke
t3n at pi-phi.de
Fri Jan 22 08:25:54 CET 2016
Am 21.01.2016 um 23:01 schrieb Jan Slusarczyk:
>> I think you missed something:
>> the inserting of images is not done at rendering time (when a page is
>> called and/or the cache is filled), but when the editor is saing his
>> work: RTE images are not stored in a special field but the HTML-Tag for
>> the image is stored mid between all the other text. so there is no
>> (easy) possibility to chnage the rendering afterwards. alos there is no
>> hint to the original image as only a reference to the final image is
>> inserted.
>> all that is the reason you should avoid enabling editors to insert
>> images in the RTE.
> My understanding is that RTE transformations are necessary during the
> render time. RTE inserts a tag into the content record, but it's not the
> final form of the img tag as it needs to be transformed with a final FAL
> target file, compression etc. From Stanislas message it seems that I am
> right and that there is a way to insert a custom rendering function in
> there. My typo3 installation dates back to 3.8 version and inserting the
> image through the RTE was not unwise back then...
there is a parsefunc which modifies the content of a field (for
tt_content it is 'bodytext'). but that function does not interfere with
any images (AFAIK). its just: wrapping 'lines' with <p
class="bodytext">|</p> and solve those TYPO3 special link tags <link url
target ...>|</link>.
you may hook any userfunc or additional computation to the rendering at
all, but there is nothing you can do with just a little configuration.
and especially there are no hints to the original image, which you need
to have images in bigger sizes than the inserted.
> As I wrote I am looking for a way to add AMP version for an existing,
> large website, and to be honest I'm surprised that the amp-image issue
> hasn't surfaced yet.
I think as the concept of responsive websites and the usage of images in
multiple sizes needs a complete different approach not much converting
is done but a new relaunch which uses the new features.
As I llok at websites which have been doen more than five years ago:
images were optimized for the usual usage and that was a maximum of
800x600 pixels. so there would be no possibility to enlarge images to
fit a something like retina displays.
either you need to replace a lot of images, or you stay with the small
images for older pages/data and only the new data gets images with
multiple solutions.
both times the editors have to change their workflow / use other CEs
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