[TYPO3-english] cookieDomain issue

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Mon Feb 15 10:37:24 CET 2016

Hi Jigal,

Thanks again, and good thinking, because negative lookaheads was exactly what I 
was going to try. So the good news is that I don't have to waist time figuring 
out why it doesn't work, the bad news is that I have to find good solution still...
There are a lot of subdomains and every now and then a new one, so I hope to 
find a solution where I don't have to declare each one of them explicitly.


On 15-02-16 09:19, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
> Hi,
> On 14/02/2016 20:52, Loek Hilgersom wrote:
>> Now I'll dig into building a regexp to exclude those 2 subdomains while
>> including the others as well as a couple of other domains.
> One tip: the entire match is used for the domain in the cookie, so you can't use
> lookbehind/lookahead assertions ( (not) preceded/followed by...) as they will
> not be included in the match.

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