[TYPO3-english] RealUrl with multidomain, multilanguage and cross linking

Arno Dudek webmaster at adgrafik.at
Tue Jun 16 12:09:46 CEST 2015


I've an advanced question related to multidomain and multilanguage.

The tree looks like this:

website1.com (root)
- en
-- ...
- de
-- ...

website2.com (root)
- page1
- page2
- ...

The website1.com is a multilanguage with the multi-tree-concept.
website2.com is build in one-tree-concept.

Both website URLs works as they should. Here the problem:
If there are crosslinks from website2.com to website1.com the current 
selected language will be prepend to the URI.

So the link looks like this when linking a page from website2.com to 


But the link should be:


The path "en/" will be created from the GPvar: L

The configuration is currently just simple but I don't know how to get 
this behaviour. config.typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains and 
config.typolinkCheckRootline are set to 1

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['website1.com'] = array(
	'init' => array(
		'enableCHashCache' => 1,
		'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile',
		'enableUrlDecodeCache' => 1,
		'enableUrlEncodeCache' => 1,
		'postVarSet_failureMode' => 'ignore',
		'respectSimulateStaticURLs' => '1',
		'emptyUrlReturnValue' => TRUE,
	'preVars' => array(
	'pagePath' => array(
		'type' => 'user',
		'userFunc' => 
		'spaceCharacter' => '-',
		'languageGetVar' => 'L',
		'expireDays' => 3,
		'rootpage_id' => 1
	'fileName' => array (
		'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => 1,
		'acceptHTMLsuffix' => 1,
		'index' => array(
	'fixedPostVars' => array(),
	'postVarSets' => array(
		'_DEFAULT' => array(

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['website2.com'] = array(
	'init' => array(
		'enableCHashCache' => 1,
		'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile',
		'enableUrlDecodeCache' => 1,
		'enableUrlEncodeCache' => 1,
		'postVarSet_failureMode' => 'ignore',
		'respectSimulateStaticURLs' => '1',
		'emptyUrlReturnValue' => TRUE,
	'preVars' => array(
			'GETvar' => 'L',
			'valueMap' => array(
				'en' => 0,
				'de' => 1,
				'fr' => 2,
			'noMatch' => 'bypass',
	'pagePath' => array(
		'type' => 'user',
		'userFunc' => 
		'spaceCharacter' => '-',
		'languageGetVar' => 'L',
		'expireDays' => 3,
		'rootpage_id' => 1235
	'fileName' => array (
		'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => 1,
		'acceptHTMLsuffix' => 1,
		'index' => array(
	'fixedPostVars' => array(),
	'postVarSets' => array(
		'_DEFAULT' => array(

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