[TYPO3-english] f:image f:uri.image giving different URLs

bernd wilke t3ng at bernd-wilke.net
Mon Jun 15 08:48:11 CEST 2015

Am 13.06.15 um 14:14 schrieb Jan Bednarik:
> Hi Helmut,
> thanks for answers. I tried to use image directly, but since this is
> fluidcontent element, the images are retrieved like this:
> <f:for each="{v:content.resources.fal(field: 'images')}" as="image">
> and then there are actually arrays and not instances of image.
> Meanwhile, I've resolved it like this:
> <a href="{f:uri.page(pageUid:image.url)}" class="lightbox" rel="lightbox">
> <f:image src="{image.uid}" treatIdAsReference="true" height="170"/>
> </a>

in fluidcontent you have access to all your defined variables without 
the v:content.resources VH. so you should try:

<f:for each="{images}" as="image">
<a href="{f:uri.image(image:image)}" class="lightbox" rel="lightbox">
    <f:image image="{image}" height="170"/>


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