[TYPO3-english] Powermail (powermail) on multilanguage site
"HocomAdvies [ Wiechert Hooghwinkel
"HocomAdvies [ Wiechert Hooghwinkel
Tue Jan 6 09:27:39 CET 2015
Forgot to add the typoscript part:
plugin.tx_powermail_pi1 {
_LOCAL_LANG.nl.confirmation_message = Kloppen de ingevulde gegevens?
_LOCAL_LANG.nl.confirmation_next = Volgende
_LOCAL_LANG.nl.confirmation_prev = Terug
Wiechert Hooghwinkel
> Op 6 jan. 2015, om 09:17 heeft HocomAdvies [ 🌷 Wiechert Hooghwinkel ] <info at hocom-advies.nl> het volgende geschreven:
> This is some typoscript code that I use for Powermail. Might be possible using this as well for multi language sites? Than instead of NL add DE for other languages? And add the error messages as well. Do not know if this (still) works (for 6.2) but you can give it a try?
> Best regards,
> HocomAdvies
> Wiechert Hooghwinkel
>> Op 5 jan. 2015, om 17:37 heeft Ok Z4uit <adriaanbr at gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
>> Dear Dennis,
>> A few days ago I was also trying to setup a nice multilanguage form with powermail.
>> Unfortunately, the standard error messages that are delivered with the extension only contain English and German error messages.
>> I also wanted Dutch and Italian error messages, in this case I had to make to new locallang.xlf files and manually translate the messages (I could not find any other way up to now and did not really start yet, but my tests show it works that way).
>> In the folder
>> typo3conf/ext/powermail/resources/private/language
>> You can find the locallang files, simply copy the file, change the land-code prefix and change the messages with an editor.
>> Best,
>> Adriaan
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