[TYPO3-english] Re: Typo3 solr indexing
Siva Prasad
sivaprasad.s at pitsolutions.com
Tue Apr 7 10:32:29 CEST 2015
Thanks for your reply.
Please see below for my solr configuration.
plugin.tx_solr.index.files.allowedTypes = au, bmp, doc, docx, epub, flv, gif, htm, html, jpg, jpeg, mid, mp3, msg, odf, odt, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, svg, sxw, tiff, txt, wav, xls, xlsx, xml
plugin.tx_solr.solr.scheme = http
plugin.tx_solr.solr.host =
plugin.tx_solr.solr.port = 8080
plugin.tx_solr.search.results.resultsPerPage = 10
plugin.tx_solr {
enabled = 1
templateFiles {
commonTerms = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/commonterms.htm
search = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/search.htm
results = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/results.htm
moreLikeThis = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/mlt.htm
cssFiles {
results = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/results.css
addDefaultCss = 1
addDefaultJs = 1
enableDebugMode = 1
general {
dateFormat.date = d.m.Y H:i
index {
enablePageIndexing = 1
enableFileIndexing = 1
files {
allowedTypes = doc, docx, epub, htm, html, pdf, ppt, pptx, rtf, svg, sxw, txt, xls, xlsx
fieldProcessingInstructions {
changed = timestampToIsoDate
created = timestampToIsoDate
endtime = timestampToIsoDate
additionalFields {
folder_section_stringS = TEXT
folder_section_stringS.value = all
queue {
pages = 1
tt_news = 0
user_folderofficers_officer = 1
user_folderofficers_officer {
fields {
changed = tstamp
created = crdate
pid = pid
uid = uid
title = TEXT
title.value = IUFRO Officeholder {field:title} {field:fname} {field:lname}, {field:orge}
title.insertData = 1
title_stringS = title
fname_stringS = fname
lname_stringS = lname
orge_stringS = orge
depte_stringS = depte
street_stringS = street
city_stringS = city
ctry_stringS = ctry
mail_stringS = mail
# content = USER
# content.includeLibs = EXT:user_folder/folder.php
# content.userFunc = user_folder->getOfficersFunctions
content = TEXT
content.value = {field:depte} {field:inste} {field:orgc} {field:deptc} {field:instc} {field:site} {field:street} {field:pcode} {field:city} {field:prov} {field:zip} {field:ctry} {field:pmail} {field:mail}
content.insertData = 1
expert_stringS = expert
url = TEXT
url {
# 420 = Who is who > IUFRO Officeholders
typolink.parameter = 420
typolink.additionalParams = &user_folderofficers_pi1[uid]={field:uid}
typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
typolink.returnLast = url
folder_section_stringS = TEXT
folder_section_stringS.value = whoiswho
# ------
user_folderevents_event = 1
user_folderevents_event {
fields {
changed = tstamp
created = crdate
pid = pid
uid = uid
title = TEXT
title.value = IUFRO Event: {field:title}, {field:city}
title.insertData = 1
content = TEXT
content.value = {field:organizer1} {field:organizer2} {field:organizer3} {field:organizer4} {field:unitnr1} {field:unitnr2} {field:unitnr3} {field:unitnr4} {field:unitnr5} {field:rss_description}
content.insertData = 1
url = TEXT
url {
# 3311 = Events > Calendar of Meetings
typolink.parameter = 3311
typolink.returnLast = url
folder_section_stringS = TEXT
folder_section_stringS.value = calendar
search {
# TODO: move filter into query{}
# filter =
targetPage = {$PID_SOLR_RESULTS}
allowEmptyQuery = 1
query {
fields = content^40.0, title^5.0, keywords^2.0, tagsH1^5.0, tagsH2H3^3.0, tagsH4H5H6^2.0, tagsInline^1.0
# see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DisMaxRequestHandler#mm_.28Minimum_.27Should.27_Match.29
minimumMatch =
# see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DisMaxRequestHandler#bf_.28Boost_Functions.29
boostFunction =
# see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DisMaxQParserPlugin#bq_.28Boost_Query.29
boostQuery =
form = simple
results {
resultsHighlighting = 1
resultsHighlighting {
fragmentSize = 200
wrap = <span class="results-highlight">|</span>
resultsPerPage = {$plugin.tx_solr.search.results.resultsPerPage}
resultsPerPageSwitchOptions = 10, 20, 30, 50
pagebrowser {
# TODO move to top level templateFile options
templateFile = fileadmin/folder/templates/solr/pagebrowser.htm
ignorePageBrowser = 0
showDocumentScoreAnalysis = 0
highlighting = 1
highlighting {
# title and content are set as default in solrconfig.xml already
highlightFields = title,content
fragmentSize = 200
wrap = <span class="results-highlight">|</span>
spellchecking = 1
spellchecking {
wrap = |<div class="spelling-suggestions">###LLL:didYouMean### |</div>|
lastSearches = 0
commonTerms = 1
sorting = 1
sorting {
defaultOrder = asc
fields {
sortAuthor = 1
sortAuthor {
label = sorting_author
faceting = 1
faceting {
minimumCount = 1
sortBy = count
limit = 10
singleFacetMode = 0
facetOrder = type, author, language
facets {
type {
label = Content Type
field = type
missing = 0
author {
label = Author
field = sortAuthor
language {
label = Sprache
field = language
// available place holders: @facetValue, @facetName, @facetText
removeFacetLinkText = @facetText (remove)
showAllLink.wrap = <li>|</li>
statistics = 0
suggest = 1
suggest {
loadJQuery = 1
numberOfSuggestions = 10
suggestField = spell
forceHttps = 0
stylesheet = EXT:solr/resources/css/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css
javaScriptFiles {
//library = EXT:solr/resources/javascript/jquery-1.4.2.min.js
//ui = EXT:solr/resources/javascript/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js
//suggest = EXT:solr/resources/javascript/eid_suggest/suggest.js
library >
ui >
suggest >
# which components to show
searchResultsViewComponents {
faceting = 1
sorting = 1
commonTerms = 1
lastSearches = 1
viewHelpers {
crop {
maxLength = 30
cropIndicator = ...
logging {
exceptions = 1
// TODO change "indexing" to enable all indexing logging, split up into several options
indexing = 0
indexing {
indexQueuePageIndexerGetData = 0
query {
filters = 0
searchWords = 0
queryString = 0
rawPost = 0
rawGet = 0
# Publications search
[PIDinRootline = 73]
plugin.tx_solr.index {
additionalFields {
folder_section_stringS = TEXT
folder_section_stringS.value = publications
# Who is who search
[PIDinRootline = 83]
plugin.tx_solr.index {
additionalFields {
folder_section_stringS = TEXT
folder_section_stringS.value = whoiswho
/* Commenting out code, breaks the search*/
[globalVar = GP:L = 1]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/core_de/
[globalVar = GP:L = 2]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/core_fr/
[globalVar = GP:L = 3]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/core_es/
[globalVar = GP:L = 0]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/core_en/
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