[TYPO3-english] Re: TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd slows down BE response time

Viktor Livakivskyi invisible.kinder at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 18:29:19 CEST 2014

Hi, Bernd

> We use TYPO3 CMS 6.1.10
> having some news and having some pages which are referenced in other 
> pages I configured in some pages the clearing of other dependend pages with
> 	TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd = 1,2,3,...
> Now it seems that working in these original pages (e.g. the 
> news-sysfolder) slows down to response times to more than a minute after 
> saving a record.

We have exactly same problem.

In our case I have two possible assumptions:

1) We have entities with lot of 1:n and m:n relations in our "Storage folder" with clearcCacheCmd. And I think the problem is in fact, that whenever a change is made to the main antity, all these related entites also trigger clearChaceCmd. So, let's say, I have an entity with 50 child records and with 100 related records, and each of these relaetd recorda also have 2 childs.
So, at the end we have 1(main entity) + 50 (children) + 100 (related) * 2 (children of each relation) = 251 call to clear caches.

2) Our website is translated to 40 languages and also we have 2 usergroups on a website, so at the end we have 40*3 = 120 entries in caches for each page.

For me it seems, that the problem is in combination of the items above.
But I may be wrong and the problme persists somewhere else.
Can someone (at best, someone from Core devs) confirm or refute my assumption?

TYPO3 6.1.10
Redis is used as Cachnig Backend.

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