[TYPO3-english] Update 4.5.35 to 6.2.4: Internal resource links

Xavier Perseguers xavier at typo3.org
Tue Sep 2 13:58:05 CEST 2014


>>> How or where can I identify a file asset by that number, if necessary?
>> Have a look at the database table sys_file.
>> Kind regards
> Indeed, there are hundreds of items/lines in that table, the "uid"
> column corresponds to the file:#. So thanks a lot for that hint!
> But it obviously is done only with files present during update, links I
> added later stay in the known path format, right? 

TYPO3 6.x introduced an abstraction layer for files, known as File
Abstraction Layer or "FAL", this is what you see here.

This concept was known from some TYPO3 4.x users when using the famous
extension "DAM". FAL is not a 1-1 replacement but provides a solid
foundation for what most DAM users used it for.

It's up to the extension authors to change code to use FAL instead of
old format. Both are supported so no, not every link to file will use
this new format.

> And is there possibly an easier to look up that file:# than using
> phpmy"insecure"admin, which I banned long ago (my provider offers it in
> the customer's menu, so I logged in there, but that is eating time)?
> Like putting a reference into the info field popping up per item in the
> file module? Probably nobody wants to install phpmyadmin for such
> purpose ...

What is exactly the use case you need to look for those references
manually? If you are a "user", you should not need to care at all about
the internal format, TYPO3 should show you wizards and controls to deal
with files and this should be transparent. If you are an integrator and
willing to use those link with TypoScript, there are new ways of
creating links to FAL references, just check out the TSref. If you are a
developer, then you should use the FAL API, unfortunately currently not
extensively documented.

Kind regards

Xavier Perseguers
TYPO3 CMS Team Member

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