[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 6.2.x: translating mechanisms within and without extensions
Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions]
hiddink at bendoo.nl
Sat Nov 8 19:50:07 CET 2014
Hello Jigal,
Thanks for your reply.
I had found and tested the option you mention:
In typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/Private/Language/
...I have...
In this file, I have
<label index="tags">Tags</label>
<label index="myvar">Hola</label>
I put this in a Fluid page template:
<f:translate key="tags" extensionName="news" />
<f:translate key="myvar" extensionName="news" />
The first key prints "Tags", the second is empty...
If I change:
<label index="tags">Tags</label>
<label index="tags">Tags changed</label>
<f:translate key="tags" extensionName="news" />
...still prints "Tags"...
So that means the locallang.xml is not taken into account?
Any ideas?
Thanks again!
On 07-11-14 21:28, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
> Hi,
> On 07/11/2014 15:49, Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] wrote:
>> I would like to create a XML-language file I can use within my site
>> and/or extensions.
>> What I understood from here:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20775407/how-to-use-xliff-outside-an-extension-in-typo3
>> ...this could be done like this in Fluid:
>> <f:translate
>> id="LLL:typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more-links"
>> />
> Since TYPO3 CMS still supports global and system extensions I'd go for:
> <f:translate
> id="LLL:EXT:news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:more-links" />
>> ...
>> <data type="array">
>> <languageKey index="default" type="array">
>> <!-- Common -->
>> <label index="more-link">Read more</label>
>> ...
>> However, if I change the index-key to "my-var":
>> <f:translate
>> id="LLL:typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:my-var"
>> />
>> ..it returns nothing...
>> So what is happening here? Is News reading this language field from
>> another file? If yes, from where? And why could I not add custom-fields?
> Is the key "my-var" present in that locallang file? Probably not, so
> that would explain why it doesn't work.
> Another limitation from the syntax you use is that it will only work for
> the default language. If the frontend uses a different language it will
> still only show the labels for the default language.
> There is a nice solution: make yourself an extension and store a
> locallang file (xml or xliff will do) in Resources/Private/Language/. As
> long as the filename is "locallang" it will be loaded automatically.
> You can use the labels anywhere (also in fluid page templates) by using:
> <f:translate key="my-var" extensionName="myExtension" />
> (of course use my-var and myExtension with the names of your label and
> your extension)
> This way the selected language is also considered.
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