[TYPO3-english] 6.2 LTS - Extension manager - modified extensions
Ralf-Rene Schröder
ralf.rene at online.de
Wed May 14 00:43:22 CEST 2014
Am 13.05.2014 23:00, schrieb Jan Kornblum:
> with 6.2 LTS the extension manager doesn't show any information about if
> an installed extension is still in its original state or if it has been
> modified. In 4.5 LTS we've had this feature...
> Why has this feature been removed? Or is it still available in any other
> place?
> How can an integrator or developer still get this information in 6.2 LTS
> in a *comfortable* way?
+1 +1 +1
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