[TYPO3-english] GIFBUILDER duplicates images

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Sun Mar 2 18:18:17 CET 2014

Am 02.03.2014 17:33, schrieb Alexander Dorn:
> Hello,
> the problem still exists. When I change the TS to use a plain Image the images get cached as expected.
> I've used the GIFBUILDER in previous projects and I never had this issue.
> If someone knows how to get the image cached with GIFBUILDER please give me a hint.

Is there any reason why you don't use the default masking features 
m.mask, m.bgImg and m.bottomImg of imgResource?

Maybe this does not solve the GIFBUILDER problem, but it should give you 
a workaround.



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