[TYPO3-english] TS to insert GP-values into DB

Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] hiddink at bendoo.nl
Thu Jun 26 13:08:29 CEST 2014


I want to capture the value an external POST-var and insert part of it 
into a DB-table.

The post-var "Data" (string) looks like this:

I need to process several variables of this string, so I wrote the 
following snippet:

   lib.content >
   lib.content = COA_INT
   lib.content {

     20 = TEXT
     20.stdWrap.data = GP:Data
     20.stdWrap.split {
        token.char = 124
        cObjNum = 1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9||10||11||12||13||
        1.current = 1
        ## This outputs "amount=333333300"

        6.current = 1
        ## This outputs "orderId=iDeal1403770610"

        13.current = 1
        13.split {
           token.char = 61
           cObjNum = 1||2||
           ## This outputs "00"


So far, so good...

Now I need to insert the object "lib.content.20.13.2" into a 
DB-table...can this be done with TS? Any ideas/suggestions?

Thanks so far!


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