[TYPO3-english] Re: TYPO3 ver. 6.2.2 Bootstrap News - TOP3

Internetagentur Browserwerk Wiesbaden forum at browserwerk.de
Tue Jun 3 11:53:38 CEST 2014

hi Thomas,

First you should have a look in the TS-Code (especially: bootstrap_package/Configuration/ContentElements/Base.ts and bootstrap_package/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.txt)

In the Base.ts-file you'll find the definition of the "newspage" (around line 810). 
This code creates the whole page and also the limitation of 5 items per page. In this code you'll find a constant ($page.theme.news.pagination.itemsperpage) which is set in the constants.txt.

If you want to create different newspages you should use that code and change the maxItems constant.

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