[TYPO3-english] Wesbite Statistics with TYPO 3

Peter Kühnlein peter at function2form.net
Mon Jun 2 09:39:23 CEST 2014

Am 02.06.2014 09:21, schrieb Vishnu Pillai:
> I am very confused now on whether I should use Google Analytics or 
> not. While researching I found that integrating Google Analytics is 
> like sharing our data with third party. My company website runs on 
> Typo 3 cms and Can anyone suggest me is there any way that I can get 
> website statistics from Typo 3? 
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Good morning (?) Vishnu,

There used to be an extension cc_awstats (not sure if it still works 
with the new TYPO3 6.x versions) that gave website stats. It won't 
return everything that Google Analytics will give you (no live data 
etc), but I used it a lot. It's easy to configure as well.




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