[TYPO3-english] Re: Fatal error on upgrading from 6.1.7 to 6.2.0beta5

Thomas Skierlo tsk at pix-pro.eu
Fri Feb 21 10:14:38 CET 2014

Hi Sergio,

I've done the same step with a very limited set of extensions (all actively supported) about 1,5 month ago, and I have seen all fatals possible since then.

Many of them could be cured by really deleting the cache (remove everything from /typo3temp/Cache/*). For me it seems like deleting caches via BE and/or Install Tool is not sufficient in some situations.

Besides that, it might be a good idea to use the latest HEAD from Git. Doing so you'll get a chance to see new fatals, but some of the older ones are gone overnight.

I've never seen a TYPO3 version since 4.2 with so many breaking changes and it's hard to imagine that we'll get a 'smooth migration' for the vast majority of 4.5 sites. Hopefully they'll postpone the release again, since there might be too many bleeding edges for production use.



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