[TYPO3-english] Re: Re: Searching and TYPO3 6.2 - again
Thomas Skierlo
tsk at pix-pro.eu
Thu Feb 13 05:03:46 CET 2014
Hi Georg,
Quote: Georg Ringer wrote on Wed, 12 February 2014 10:12
> Hi,
> Am 12.02.2014 09:47, schrieb Thomas Skierlo:
> > Talking to myself - I've got no answers, except 2 private emails with a
> > message similar to "Don't bother with 6.2.0 - you'll lose all of your hair"
> maybe the topic has been broad up a bit often by you already? This post
> is even a new thread which doesn't help at all. A sentence like "does
> not work" is also not helpful. Is the content indexed?
You are right. I opened at least 6 threads related to searching and TYPO3. By the way, are you counting threads with answers?
I've opened the first one after my migration from 6.0 to 6.1, when IS failed for the first time since 4.2. Filed 3 issues on Forge, 2 with ready-made solutions. One of them was opened last week, short after it's birthday, and now I was asked to review it - but I can't, since the plugin has vanished after beta3.
> Anyhow being readonly at your threads I still wonder which setup to you
> got because you run into problems I never have seen. Same at forge in
> your recently submitted report [1]
Does this translate to "I, Georg, have no issues with IS on current master"? Did you never see the problems I'm currently facing, because you use a better solution as IS? Or does it mean: "I'm not using IS and therefore IS has no issues"?
Georg. You are aware that THIS thread sublimes in only one simple question? "Can anyone confirm IS working on a fresh installation of 6.2 ?" I think, I perfectly explained why I asked this question. If only I have this issue, it's probably something rotten in my configuration, otherwise it might be a problem of the product OR the core. Knowing is the very first step for any cure. And the best place to find out is a product related discussion forum. And believe me, it's very hard to debug something that's just not there any more. It's 5 a.m. now and I did analyze every single change to IS since 6.1.6 within the last 20 hours. To make it short, all of them look reasonable, and no change would explain why the plugin is not showing up any more. So probably, my recent death of IS is core related like the other issue we discussed yesterday.
Setup - in this case - plays a minor role, since setup is enforced by ext_typoscript_setup.txt (which is no good idea at all). So even in case you do nothing except placing the plugin you should get a reaction from it, and be it a fatal. So the first thing I did after hitting the shit was disabling all my custom setup. Up to 6.2.0beta3 the next thing I saw always was the table based markup of the most basic template IS has to offer. That is expected behavior, including those funny "Search Rules". Even switching to the experimental plugin brought some (strange) results at least if you fix some naming problems in the Fluid-Templates (which I also filed to Forge about a year ago).
> > IS issues on Forge just keep untouched, since
> > all people knowing more seem to use 4.5 with Solr. This might work for
> > them, but it will kill the whole product in the end.
> You sound like indexed_search is the most awesome search experience you
> can have! That is certainly not true. There are alternatives which can
> hardly be reached by indexed_search. The reason is simply because the
> alternative is made for search and uses something really useful.
No, IS is far away from being awesome, but it did it's job for small projects since 4.2, and for a very long time it was the only search solution TYPO3 had to offer. It's core land - until the time being. Und es ist uneingeschränkte Open Source.
I'd wish you guys would be able to take the position of a newcomer to TYPO3. Imagine how it feels when nothing works as it should. Chance for deep frustration is much bigger today than it was 6 years ago, when there was one tutorial per product, and each of them was matching the version.
> Yes indexed_search could be improved a lot but in the end, it still
> won't be a competitor to solr & co.
I'm perfectly aware of that, but it is no excuse for IS not working.
> > It seems that nobody except me is early-adopting 6.2.0 in a
> > production-like environment
> not true.
Prove it. Test IS on recent master and share the result.
> > Without early adopters we will get what we
> > deserve. A non working time bomb - with unit tests showing green.
> are there any unit tests for indexed search? I doubt.
Try to get the message. It translates to something like "if you change a part of the engine, check if it still runs afterwards"
> > Getting tired to burn my time any further. For the first time in 6 years
> > I checked recent Drupal specs, since I can't afford to use a CMS which
> > is incapable of searching.
> If any product fits better for your needs, please use it!
Good to know.
> However solr is an awesome tool (not only the extension itself but the
> product I am talking about) which can be used to fulfill things you will
> *never* get with indexed_search.
But we are not talking about the pros and cons of Solr here again, are we?
> And yes it is not that hard to set it up, no matter if working on
> windows or unix and there are also TYPO3 hosters which did that work
> already for you.
I'm not afraid of any setup and don't need no TYPO3 hoster. Currently all I need is a bed and a search function. Lucky me to find my bed without one :-)
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