[TYPO3-english] Content Syndication by tags/query

Mark Boland mark.boland at boland.de
Tue Dec 23 10:07:27 CET 2014

Hi Daniels,

AFAIK tt_news will not be supported much longer.

Best practice is to put all your template files (and static template includes) into a separate extension. This way you can make upgrades very easily, you can use a versioning system and you can later use this extension as a template for other sites or redesigns. For Extbase extensions (like tx_news) it is simple to redirect the Fluid template paths to your extension's. You can now even just put your modified files into it and let Extbase/Fluid cascade through to the original files. So you won't miss updates and new features for parts you didn't override.


> Am 22.12.2014 um 23:38 schrieb Daniel Davis <dan at danizen.net>:
> Mark, where do I put the templates for tt_news or news extensions?     What is the real difference between these extensions?   It looks like news is the right pick for people implementing a new site, and tt_news is the right pick for people supporting an existing site with lots of existing tt_news.   They seem to offer very similar capabilities except tt_news advertises more...
> -- 
> Daniel Davis, Systems/Applications Architect (Contractor),
> Office of Computer and Communications Systems, National Library of Medicine, NIH
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