[TYPO3-english] Re: OnePage Layout based on bootstrap_package

jacques jvalet at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 11:20:11 CEST 2014

In addition. I think i need a fusion of above post and this TS:

     20 = CONTENT
            20 {
                table = pages
                select.orderBy = sorting
                select.where = pid = pid
                renderObj = COA
                renderObj {
                    10 = CONTENT
                    10 {
                        table = tt_content
                        select {
                            pidInList.field = uid
                            orderBy = sorting
                            where = colPos = 0
                        wrap = <div class="section" id="{field:css_id}">|</div>
                        wrap.insertData = 1

If i just use the second one i "loose" the information about Layout that was selected.

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