[TYPO3-english] Realurl and base URL config problem

Peter Kühnlein peter at function2form.net
Sun Apr 27 23:08:47 CEST 2014

Am 27.04.2014 22:57, schrieb Ueli Niggli:
> Hello everyone
> I am a total newbie to typo3, and my first task is to update a 4.6.3 
> installation to current.
> I copied my website to a subdomain for testing and for preparing the 
> update. The realurl works perfectly on the base website. When I click 
> on a link on the copy of the website, I am redirected to the base 
> website. For this reason I wanted to change the base URL configuration 
> of the website copy, but there is no "baseurl" configuration in the 
> root template. If I add the subdomain base URL to the constants, 
> nothing changes.
> Where does the realUrl extension get its baseUrl from, when it's not 
> in the root template?
> Thanks in advance, Ueli
Where is your .htaccess?



"When meeting with the enemy, there is a way to determine his strength. If he has his head cast down, he will appear black and is strong."

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