[TYPO3-english] How to add a line break with wrapItemAndSub ?

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Apr 21 11:44:24 CEST 2014

Am 21.04.2014 04:00, schrieb Ralf-Rene Schröder:
> Am 18.04.2014 17:00, schrieb Jean-Claude Jouffre:
>> As typo3 generates an entire menu on one HTML line, web browsers
>> (firefox and IE) don't display menus the same way as if the HTML code
>> would be indented.
> i never have had any problems with menus with "normal" wrapping...

There is one problem with "display: inline-block" that could pop up when 
you mix additional whitespace between HTML tags, because this would add 
at least some additional "visible margin" for each tag having the 
whitespace. Since inline-block works with IE8, as well it is often used 
as a replacement for the buggy "float: left". But apart from that I 
don't know of any problem caused by whitespace.

So if this is not your problem I would be interested in the reasons for 
adding linebreaks as well.



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