[TYPO3-english] Probably basic - but can't use a slideshow plugin
bernd wilke
t3ng at bernd-wilke.net
Wed Apr 9 10:52:44 CEST 2014
Am 09.04.14 10:27, schrieb Greg Elsley:
> Hi all,
> I've searched through these forums a bit to try and solve my problem -
> but not being a programmer myself, it's fairly apparent from all the
> abbreviations used in these forums that it's predominately coders and
> not the general public coming on here!
> My problem though (if someone is nice enough to help!) is that I'm
> trying to install a slideshow plugin for the gallery section of my
> website. Essentially i just want one image, that the user can then click
> on and have a slideshow of images to go through.
> I've downloaded and tried image_cycle, perfect Lightbox and slideshow,
> with the process being:
> Download file to PC.
> Go to "extension manager" section of Typo3
> Go to "Import extensions" drop down box and use the "choose file" option
> to get it from the PC.
> Then I've gone to "install extensions" drop down option where I select
> the grey cube to "install" the extension.
this is the complicated way. normaly a TYPO3 installation can get
extensions from TER by itself. just select "import extensions" in the
extension manager. then press the button [Retrieve/Update]
After a while your Installation has an up-to-date list of all extensions.
Now you can search for extension(s) and import them directly.
Installing and deinstalling (enable and disable) an extension can be
done in the view "install extensions"
in the view "Check for extension updates" you can view a list of
extensions where newer versions are available.
but be careful: as with TYPO3 Version 6.0 some breaking changes have
been done in the core not every newer version of an extension will work
with your TYPO3 and an update might crash your website.
> I can then go to my page, create a new record in the tab that I want,
> use the "content element type - insert plugin" then go to the plugin tab
> and select "Image Cycle" from the drop down box, use the "choose file"
> option to select the images I want, tick the "first image only" option
> then save!
> Except I view my page - and there are no pictures at all. I have the
> heading that I created, but no images show up.
dependend on the extension you might need to include some static
typoscript-templates of the extension. This should be mentioned in the
> It looks like I have Typo3 4.5.22, using Image Cycle 2.7.6 if that helps
> at all.
First: your TYPO3 version is very old and known to be not secure. Get an
update to 4.5.32
As told before: you might need a static template from the extension, you
also might need to configure the extension in the extensionmanager
and/or you might need other extensions or libraries (eg. jquery in a
matching version)
> Any help would be greatly appreciated - I would ask the designer of the
> site, but he's a mate who has done the site for free (I've tried
> numerous times to pay him), and I've requested help a few times but he's
> too busy or whatever the excuse is, but I can't really get up him when
> he won't take any money for any of it - which leaves me a bit stuck.
as TYPO3 is a common CMS you can find someone else who may administer
your site.
be also prepared to relaunch your site with the newest version of TYPO3:
6.2 as the support of 4.5 will end next year
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