[TYPO3-english] Cookie handling extension
Stephen Bungert
stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Thu Oct 17 08:18:22 CEST 2013
Thanks for the links. I was trying CookieControl Extbase, I didn't know
there was another version.
I have tried the pibase version now, but it doesn't seem to be blocking the
typo3 FE user cookie.
How do you block that from being set?
"PIT Solutions" <typo3 at pitsolutions.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.2291.1381989009.588.typo3-english at lists.typo3.org...
> Hi,
> Cookie control is commonly used extension and its working fine for us.
> Our guys are developed this extension.
> Please try,
> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/cookie_control or
> http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/cookie_control_extbase
> With Regards,
> Arun Chandran.
> ________________________________
> From: Stephen Bungert <stephenbungert at yahoo.de>
> To: typo3-english at lists.typo3.org
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:09 PM
> Subject: [TYPO3-english] Cookie handling extension
> How are you all handling the eu cookie directive? What extensions do you
> use?
> I tried several in the ter and they don't work. Cookie panel doesn't offer
> enough functionality, cookie controll looks good, even stops google
> analytics, but that doesn't work either. Cookieshy doesn't seem to work
> anymore either it's been uploaded to the ter with missing end PHP
> brackets.
> Adding these still doesn't let it work.
> Stephen.
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