[TYPO3-english] TS Condition problem dynamic dropdown snippet for countries with Powermailform
Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions]
hiddink at bendoo.nl
Fri Nov 1 10:26:54 CET 2013
Please look at the snippet below, it gives me a dropdown for
country-selector in a PM-form, reading from static_countries...Fields
are stores in fe_users-table.
It works just fine execpt for the renderObj.15.-block.
This part evaluates whether "selected" to the option so that the
logged-in FE-user can see from the form what country he/she did store
The problem is with:
value.data = TSFE:fe_user|user|country
equals.field = cn_short_en
This never turns true, however, if I hardcode it ("value =Netherlands"),
it turns true.
What is wrong with the comparision
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
BTW: the value of data= TSFE:fe_user|user|country is printed correctly
elsewhere in the form...
###Dynamic dropdown for countries with Powermailform
lib.country = CONTENT
lib.country {
table = static_countries
select {
selectFields = uid, cn_short_en
pidInList = 0
orderBy = cn_short_en
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.field = cn_short_en
10.wrap= <option value="|"
15 = TEXT
15.value =
15.noTrimWrap=| selected|
15.if {
value =Netherlands
# value.data = TSFE:fe_user|user|country
equals.field = cn_short_en
20 = TEXT
20.field = cn_short_en
wrap (
<div id="powermail_fieldwrap_{$fieldIdPM}"
class="powermail_fieldwrap powermail_fieldwrap_select
<label for="powermail_field_country"
class="powermail_label">País | Country</label>
<select name="tx_powermail_pi1[field][{$fieldIdPM}]"
class="powermail_field powermail_select" id="powermail_field_country">
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