[TYPO3-english] Keep metadata (like EXIF) while scaling images

Xavier Perseguers xavier at typo3.org
Fri Jun 14 10:22:28 CEST 2013

Hello Paul,

One thing could be worth testing, whether it's related to GraphicsMagic
or ImageMagick or both, as you may choose either of them for image
processing in TYPO3.


amadeo Marketing & Design - Paul Garais wrote:
> Hi Xavier,
> thanks for your further answer. It is like you described:
> I have a bunch of images locally stored in JPG-format with full
> resolution and metadata. I upload these original files via FTP into a
> subfolder of fileadmin. There are 2 ways these files are used within TYPO3:
> 1) I use them as header images. This is achieved with Typoscript (IMAGE)
> since I use the media-field in the page-properties to select the files.
> 2) They are used with the standard "Text with images" content-element
> (no extra extension like lightbox installed).
> Greets,
> Paul Garais    
> *Paul Garais*
> eulenblick e.K.
> Tel. (02 51) 620 651-73
> Fax (02 51) 620 651-69
> garais at agentur-eulenblick.de
> www.agentur-eulenblick.de
> Albersloher Weg 662 • 48167 Münster
> Am 03.06.2013 19:06, schrieb Xavier Perseguers:
>> Hi Amadeo,
>>> if I set the option to 0 there are still no EXIF- or IPTC-data in the
>>> scaled JPGs. So information like the photographers name, title, etc. and
>>> also data from the camera like the camera name, f-stop, ISO-number, etc.
>>> are lost.
>> So actually the problem is that the flag does not seem to work, not that
>> you fundamentally need something else.
>> OK, so what do you mean by "scaled JPG". Where do these scaled JPG come
>> from? If I understand you correctly you upload your JPG full scale, they
>> are properly stored full scale with metadata somewhere in fileadmin
>> (meaning if you access your full scale JPG via
>> http://www.yourdomain.tld/fileadmin/path/to/some.jpg you get it full
>> scale and *with* metadata) and somehow you don't show the full scale JPG
>> to your users but only a scaled down version, right?
>> The question is *how* is the scaled down version created? Is it standard
>> TYPO3, are you using some photo gallery, ...?
>> Clearly and precisely describing your problem will help me or other
>> community members to point out what is actually the problem.
>> Kind regards

Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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