[TYPO3-english] extbase controller change between actions

Muriel le Pair typo3 at strangefruit.nl
Mon Jun 10 13:53:36 CEST 2013

Op 07-06-13 17:42, Christian Müller schreef:

> your Plugin settings (ext_localconf) defines the actions this plugin is
> allowed to call, the first defined controller/action is the default one.
> To call another action you would set the action argument for that plugin
> (that is what the link.action viewhelper does).
> There are also the switchableControllerActions via flexform (use
> google), that way you can define the "default" action per content
> element (so one plugin content could default to list and another to show).

Thanks this was very helpful.

kind regards,

Muriel le Pair

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