[TYPO3-english] Keep metadata (like EXIF) while scaling images

amadeo Marketing & Design - Paul Garais garais at amadeo-marketing.de
Mon Jun 3 17:52:56 CEST 2013

Regarding: TYPO3 4.7

Hey list!

With standard configuration TYPO3 (or ImageMagick) is stripping the profiles and metadata out of 
image-files like JPG. In the TYPO3 configuration there is an option to keep the profiles by setting 
im_useStripProfileByDefault to 0.

I would like to keep the metadata, so scaled image-files, which the user downloads, still contain 
information about photographer, description, technical info, etc.. Is there any option for this?
Btw.: DAM is not an option in this specific case because the customer needs a way that is as simple 
as possible and working with DAM is "way to hard" for him.

Thanks for any ideas!

Paul Garais 	

*Paul Garais*

eulenblick e.K.

Tel. (02 51) 620 651-73
Fax (02 51) 620 651-69

garais at agentur-eulenblick.de

Albersloher Weg 662 • 48167 Münster

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