[TYPO3-english] How can I give each menu item a different class? (optionSplit?)

Philipp Gampe philipp.gampe at typo3.org
Thu Jan 3 03:36:19 CET 2013

Hi Ralf-Rene,

Ralf-Rene Schröder wrote:

> NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
> prevent the security issue with:
> NO.wrapItemAndSub.insertdata = 1

No. htmlSpecialChars prevents XSS from BE editors, if they name a page e.g.
">/<script>alert("huhu");</script><img scr="/clear.gif

Insert data is about evaluation expressions. HtmlSpecialChars just escapes 
all HTML entities.
It is a good idea to use htmlSpecialChars for menu items so that the editors 
do not break the site if they use HTML characters.

Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
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