[TYPO3-english] Current Documentation format
Thomas Skierlo
pubtsk1 at pix-pro.eu
Fri Feb 15 09:56:50 CET 2013
> Hi Thomas,
>> I'm just about finishing my first Extbase extension and the only part
>> that's missing is documentation. I've learned, that
>> OpenOffice/LibreOffice format SXW is dead, as well as DocBook, and I've
>> red that ALL of TYPO3 6.0 documentation hast moved to Rest. Looking into
>> forge I notice that all files under the "doc" folder of sysextensions
>> are still in SWX format.
> We are in a phase of transition, hence the confusion that you may
> perceive. Indeed all official documentation has been moved ReST. For
> extensions, it is our aim in the near future. The current situation is
> that - if you choose ReST - the link to the documentation will not
> appear in the TER, but it is still geared to detect only
> "doc/manual.sxw". The manual will be rendered on:
> http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/
> which is unfinished, in the sense that it doesn't have the proper look
> & feel and is unusable for lack of a search/filter feature. This is
> something we are currently working on.
> TBH I'm not sure what answer to give you. If you want to be sure that
> the documentation of your extension is available to the widest
> audience possible, stick to SXW.
Thanks a lot for this clearification. I'm just a lazy guy and don't like
to do work twice. Most important information is the "automatic
transformation" available.
> As you can see from the page indicated above, all manuals are
> automatically transformed to ReST. So you could at a later stage -
> pick up that source to officially move your manual to ReST, without
> having to start all over again.
> Cheers
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