[TYPO3-english] FE Addresslist on Typo 6.1

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Tue Dec 3 15:04:12 CET 2013

On 3-12-2013 11:34, Ipan wrote:
> begin 644 Auswahl_005.png
> MB5!.1PT*&@H````-24A$4@```[T```*>"`(```#F\.O7`````W-"250("`C;
> MX4_@````$'1%6'13;V9T=V%R90!3:'5T=&5R8X+0"0``(`!)1$%4>-KLG7EX
> M&]6Y_\]HL78ODKPO\AX[MN/$SN+LB<F^!RX-4+842J'M[7+;T')O;^!">]O>
> M%BB]O])>MA(H4)9 at G`2R0>(D#MD<V['CW8YDR;8D6[*U6+LT\_MCDLED1AK)
> MH)L!`$`W`P"`;@8``-T,``#H9@``T,T``*";`0!`-P,`0._V_P'=R0ZN]5!G
> -JP````!)14Y$KD)@@@``
> `
> end

Please put binary stuff on some server and include a link to it in your 
post. It reduces the traffic and everybody can see your images.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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