[TYPO3-english] Give +1 for the Extension Feedback Process
Kay Strobach
typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Tue Apr 30 12:46:01 CEST 2013
Hello Helmar,
Jigal wrote sth. about stars ...
I think a hand with thumb up and one with thumb down are much more
intutive, than any "YES / NO" wording stuff.
Technically it's the same.
So i would expect sth like (+ = thumb ub, - = thumb down)
2.5.1 + 200 - 50
2.5.0 + 50 - 500 <- grayed out, marked as a bad version
2.4.9 + 999 - 0 <- marked green
Am 30.04.13 11:49, schrieb Elmar Hinz:
> Hello Kay,
> thank your for contributing ideas.
>> what about simply using 2 states (better than rating).
>> +1
>> -1
> What is the difference to the YES/NO switch of the proposal?
> I don't see the difference, but maybe there is an idea behind,
> that I simply still don't understand.
>> Additionally i would like to see a simply contact form, if the voter
>> decided for "bad -> not working".
> Right! That is the logical next step.
> Howerver I like to keep the first step as tiny as possible.
> Then chances are better it becomes reality at all.
> Regards
> Elmar
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