[TYPO3-english] Condition to see if page has limited access

Urs Bräm info at ursbraem.ch
Mon Apr 8 20:07:46 CEST 2013

Not bad, thanks!

Am 08.04.13 11:13, schrieb Loek Hilgersom:
> Hi Urs,
> I don't think such a condition exists, but you could create it using a
> userfunc [1]. Replacing the page content by a login box is certainly
> possible, but it sounds like you know that part.
> Loek
> [1]
> http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Conditions/Reference/Index.html#condition-userfunc
> On 08-04-13 10:26, Urs Bräm wrote:
>> Hi Viktor
>> sorry for the late reply. Thanks!
>> What I had in mind was not redirecting the user to the single login
>> page, but
>> altering the rendered page if it is protected.
>> I could then display the login form on the page via ts, setting it to
>> show only
>> if the user is not logged in, of course.
>> That's why I was looking for some kind of condition that tells my TS
>> if the page
>> has restricted access or not. Is there something like that?
>> Thanks!
>> Urs
>> Am 19.03.13 11:09, schrieb Viktor Livakivskyi:
>>> Hi.
>>> You can think about making single page with login form and set globally:
>>> config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages = <id_of_page_with_form>
>>> also look at config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams, if you
>>> want to redirect user back to non-accessible before page after his
>>> successfull login.
>>> Regards.
>>> Hi
>>>> this is probably very simple, but I couldn't look it up anyhow:
>>>> Is there a condition that applies when a page (or, maybe also its
>>>> content) has limited access rights AND the user doesn't have these
>>>> rights?
>>>> -> to display a login form on the page - but only when needed.
>>>> I know I can check with
>>>> [usergroup=*]
>>>> [else]
>>>> (show form)
>>>> [global]
>>>> - but I would like to set it globally, so as soon as editors create
>>>> restricted content, the login form will appear.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Urs

Urs Bräm
macht Websites
Certified Typo3 Integrator
CH-3011 Bern

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