[TYPO3-english] mm_forum registration email weird characters
Ulrich Fischer
ulrich-fischer at gmx.net
Sun Apr 7 22:43:57 CEST 2013
Hi Katja,
we have the same problem.
The problem seems to be caused by base64 encoding
If we write in class.tx_mmforum_pi2.php line 170 instead of
'base64 ' --> 'Quoted-printable', then the e-Mail is readable.
The encoding concerns not only the header of the email.
$this->data['email'], /* Address */
$subject, /* Subject */
$template, /* Mailbody */
implode("\n",$header), /* Headers, seperated by\n */
/* Encoding that is to be used for headers. Allowed is "Quoted-printable" and
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->renderCharset /* The charset the headers are to be encoded in. */
Katja Lampela schrieb am 26.01.2012 20:02:
> Hi,
> I try to create a feuser with mm_forum registration and I get email:
> -------------------
> Tervehdys katja6,
> Kiitos rekisteröitymisestä www.suo
> �ѡ�����͕�Ʉ������ѥٽ��ѥ��ͤ����������������V�7FƖ
> 涶�:BইGG���wwr�7V�֗F���6WW&�f���^�
> 5=f74bf5f55e9e3a3
> -------------------
> And the message is not readable even though I change to other coding.
> So there is no registration confirmation link either and the registrations don't
> get completed; feuser stays hidden (created but not enabled).
> The site is 4.5.8, utf-8
> mm_forum 1.9.2
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