[TYPO3-english] Fed how to use Fluid Content Elements

Mark Roemermann mark at nasaustralia.com.au
Mon Oct 29 05:44:27 CET 2012

Hi Victor, its frustrating when people leave threads dangling 
unanswered, so I'm sorry I never got back with a reply.

It turns out that the solution to my problem was as Soren mentioned 
above on the 25/7 - I needed to add the typoscript includes to each root 
template, and now the fluid content elements dropdown works.

Thanks again.
Mark Roemermann

On 16/07/2012 9:16 PM, Victor Livakovsky wrote:
 >> I'll let you know what happens.
 > Yes, thank you - that would be interesting.
 > As far as I understood, rootlevel TS template must be located at
 > so-called "root" page, due to some ExtBase's way of reading TS setup.

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