[TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

Andreas Becker cocopapa at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 03:12:56 CEST 2012

Check the Mailinglist back and you can read it. We decided that our Elephant will keep his nice colors and that we focus more on ThaiPo3 ;-). In Cambodia one developer posted on Facebook already nice image showing him in an orange life west with very little green hanging more or less to his nose covered by water. 

Take the water as the current CMS market and the cambodian orange TYPO3 lifewest as the best tool to try to survive. Also this lifewest has tiny green stripes on its sides. I guess before they were much bigger like a healthy green lawn were the orange lifewest was laying on safely and no fear of getting drowned was there.

If things continue further like they continue since 2008 with releases, Ignoring TV, announcing things without asking the community (poll), frustrating key developers, etc p.p. this will be for sure the future especially for smaller companies with no big budgets and finally for All T3 stuff and only the big will be happy about any color and as you see most of them also not comment on this subject ;-) 

Democracy or even better Base Democracy is just the opposite of what is going on here since years since "the King" has left his thrown. TYPO3 Management actually looks visually like the figures you can see here in many Buddhist and also in Hindu temples with many snake heads and many hands all looking and bulling in different directions.

So better focus on what you like best and on what your customers like most. Ours like our Elephant and our ThaiPo3 Team ;-)


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On 18 ต.ค. 2555, at 19:33, Martin Bless <m.bless at gmx.de> wrote:

> Andreas [Becker] wrote & schrieb:
>> Hello Kindergarten how are you?
> So what's your contribution? What's your opinion on the issue(s)?
> Martin
> -- 
> Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member
> http://mbless.de
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