[TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

Rasmus Skjoldan rasmus at typo3.org
Wed Oct 10 11:57:14 CEST 2012

>> I wonder if everyone contributing in this discusion is really aware of
>> the outside view we create and the joy other product-makers have in
>> telling that the TYPO3 Community is a bunch of disunited people.
> In this thread people seem to be united. Count +1s for the old logo! :)
> I fell more disunited when such decisions are given as a fact. This was
> the key factor for me to stop actively contributing. Somebody decides
> something and nobody cares how others feel about it. We have the
> community, which is informal group of many people. We do not have an
> organization. In the organization you can tell: "From now on we have
> this logo".

Ehm, so you're basically saying I and all the others who've worked hard 
on all this for 2 years are not part of the community - but primarily 
the organization... This is plainly a wrong distinction, you make. From 
my point of view.

> In the community it is much harder to tell like this because
> people come voluntary here,

I've come voluntarily, too. My employer donates 2 hours a week to this 
work - the rest is on me, personally. Voluntarily doing so.

> contribute voluntarily and they can freely
> disagree.

I do that, too. And you're extremely welcome to disagree.

> TYPO3 relies on the community for contribution but it seems
> that many key questions bypass the community and actually forced on it.

We've asked many many people for advice on these changes. People from 
the community - as ourselves.

> It is like: "Please, community, make your coding and we will decide on
> the rest for you". Does it create good spirits in the community? I
> believe not.

I think some of us just have different perspectives about the underlying 
reasons for contributing to TYPO3. Some people in the community take 
care of the community experience, some people focus on marketing the 
actual products and think a lot about how to sell the thing to clients, 
some people just really love coding etc.

The mix is what's so great.

> Since logo concerns the whole community, I would prefer to see a poll on
> the community web site about it. It would show that T3A really cares
> about what people think.

There really isn't that distinction between "them and us". I'm part of 
the us - as well as you are. Everyone in the T3A is part of the 
community. Some are just more heavily involved than others. By being 
involved heavily, you end up deciding things.

> Now it does not seem so at all. Somebody
> decided something and the community must accept wordlessly.

I didn't think these changes would be accepted easily. But I'm totally 
sure that the brand is not weakened and that most people will be okay 
with it all in a year from now. At some point, people will probably 
forget that the logo was once green too.

When we introduced the orange-green logo, there were lots of people 
hating it at first. After 1-2 years, the change had become integrated 
and liked a lot.

Best, Rasmus

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