[TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 07:23:21 CEST 2012



I am also for green+orange. These are complimentary colors and they look 
nice and balanced in combination. Just orange looks incomplete and a bit harsh.


Martin Bless wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm not interested in what happened when why and how in the past.
> I'm only interested in TYPO3 being successful. In this post I'm
> concentrating on the color change of the logo.
> Short and concise:
> ==================
> I watched the keynote of the T3CON. The reason(ing) I heard was:
> "We want to simplify things for you. It's cheaper to print the
> logo on t-shirts and so on with just one color. People would say
> TYPO3 is 'orange'". Did I miss an argument?
> Here's what I think: We have a strong brand TYPO3 with a clear
> logo since years. It is "orange and green". You would only touch
> ANYTHING of a well established visual symbol (shape, color,
> Freiraum, ...) if you really have GOOD reasons. The reasons given
> above are not *good* reasons in that sense.
> So, in short: I strongly urge everybody to put the green back into
> the logo!
> Longer and from my heart:
> =========================
> As you said and showed: Even children recognize the TYPO3 logo.
> And *one* reason for that definitely is the orange/green color
> scheme. It is already "overlearned". Without that green you simply
> suck the soul out of the symbol. It's like an "i" without dot. You
> have to identify the shape of that orange spot to know "It's
> TYPO3". Up to now in many real life situation your brain will tell
> you immediately "aha, considering context, plus orange/green:
> TYPO3!". In real life there are many situations where you see that
> logo only partly: thinks of our flags or pictures you have where
> people are wearing t-shirts and so on. But your brain can only do
> so WITH the green. It's having the orange PLUS the green that
> makes your brain work automatically. The orange alone cannot do
> so.The same holds for little (fav)icons.
> Have you ever had the feeling "attention, police" on a highway
> when you saw a car with a special "green/white" or "blue/white"
> combination? And then you find out that its a car just looking
> similar? Try that without the white - it won't work. We all have
> that unconscious built in magic built magic in our brains. Don't
> mess around with it and: Keep that green!
> There is more damage without the green: Shall I throw away my
> TYPO3 flag? The nice towels with the logo "sticked" onto? Same
> holds for everything printed I've lying around. Or what I find in
> the web and what's now not in alignment with the new rules
> anymore. Whenever I see them I'm feeling a conflict: That's wrong,
> old fashioned, outdated, stigmatized. And even: *I'm*
> wrong as I once chose to like and defend that logo.
> The monochrome version had to shades of gray. That was an
> important element of the monochrome "logos soul". Keep that!
> Please don't be afraid to revert that decision. Put that green
> back. The earlier you do the less confusion will arise. You should
> do everything you can to avoid that people feel an inner
> dissonance or even a conflict. Don't do it for me - do it for
> TYPO3. It's worth it!
> still hoping ...
> Martin

Dmitry Dulepov

Simplicity will save the world.

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