[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 6.0 Extension Manager
Philipp Gampe
philipp.gampe at typo3.org
Thu Nov 29 20:46:46 CET 2012
Hi Andreas,
Andreas Becker wrote:
> There are no errors!
Good, then you at least know to things:
1) Either your error logging is set up wrong
2) or the PHP code works, but does the wrong thing
>> You are long enough to TYPO3 to help yourself. Just go and copy the
>> extension list from one system to the new one (mind the new table!).
> What does it mean "mind the new table"
It uses a new table name is tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_extension not
cache_extensions like in 4.x
> Does it mean you also can't use the EM the way it actually should supposed
> to be?
You can.
>> It works for me and for others so either help to find the difference or
>> just shut up.
> Your friendliness seems to be common. But why should we shut up?
Because you are not helpful and just trolling since 5 years (yes I am
reading this list since so long).
> On the one hand the brand should be an developer and userfriendly
> enterprise level CMS but it seems that since TYPO3 Version 6 you now have
> to work with Trabbi Methods and some Tesa to get things done.
You are testing the just released product. All cars have issues on first
release. That is why there a revisions for cars too.
It is expected that .0 release contains bugs. Don't use it if you are not
able to deal with it.
>> You are always free to download the extension somewhere (e.g. t3o) and
>> upload it locally.
Look I even offered you a solution.
>> The new EM is an extbase extension, thus it is slower if it needs to warm
>> up the caches and the default lifetime of those caches is rather short.
>> Tuning the cache lifetime might make things much faster.
> TYPO3 goes Extbase = TYPO3 slows down and is standing on the break?
It is not slowing down much, but it needs to warm up the caches. This takes
longer on first hit. And the default cache time is one hour for extbase
reflection and object cache.
> Well, actually we had 5 IT students here, TYPO3 Newbies and we only wanted
> to have a look to TYPO3 6.0 as it just got released. Result none of the
> Frontends of the Introduction or Government Packages was showing up -
> blank Pages :-), On different Servers and Computers tested with same
> results. additional no way to update the extension list - endless turning
> icon instead ;-), promoting the great TYPO3 community and help via
> mailinglist failed completely because of TYPO3 friendliness ;-(, Release
> Party ended with 5 frustrated Students who will for sure never ever touch
> TYPO3 again as it is a "waste of time" as most said, and the "no" help
> from the Mailinglist sucks if we wouldn't had a look to other resources -
> even older ones but working!
You know how to turn on PHP errors.
> Fortunately we than downloaded the WEC Starter Package Version 4.5.11
> updated to the newest source below 6.0 - installed some more templates and
> modified some of them with the new fileeditor extension and this was
> something they really liked, No problems during installation, No errors
> like "file-list" not loaded even it is loaded etc. and it took only some
> minutes incl source update and working extension manager!
So the update works for you ... nice - what was your problem again?
> Why isn't this possible with the stuff from T3o? Simply working - also for
> Beginners who want to test TYPO3?
I still have no clue on what your problem is.
Download the IP if you want to have a working package. It should work or you
should report errors to the issue tracker.
By asking questions without giving any required information (you are just
saying "does not work), nobody could help you.
Instead of writing this mail, I could just have fixed a bug I found last
night. But I do not want to leave wrong information on the mailing list
without comments.
BTW, there has been a bug in the EM PHP code that could be the source of
your problem ... but the icon stop spinning for me. So it might fix it or
not ... who knows without an error message from you.
Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
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