[TYPO3-english] is TYPO3 for me
cocopapa at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 14:36:41 CET 2012
Hi Alex
your impression is absolutly right. We were able to sell loads of TYPO3 since Typo3 has been equiped with the WEC approach and integrated template switcher etc. Even better was it with the Framework for Templa Voila.
Unfortunately TemplaVoila is not loved by some or the majority of core devs so with new releases it wasn't working only after many from the community complaint.
Good news is that TV from svn is working with TYPO3 6 AND the Framework for TemplaVoila Version 2. Even better Kay has improved his sitmgr further and equipped with less so that you can now easily style the TYPO3 Backend beside the features it had already like managing users in a multidomain site on customer base, template better said "skin" switcher. and much more.
If now Jeffs mobile profile Extensions joins the TVFW2 and sitemgr and people will send Kay more of their skins to integrate them in his Template / skin repository than TYPO3 can catch up with others in Terms of easy nice looking and easy to modify and managable content.
We realized actually in the last months that companies are worried about Wordpress and their Ranking because some already experienced that their wordpress sites have been downgraded in ranking because they are made with wordpress. So some of them already started looking for valuable alternatives and IMHO TYPO3 is a great one for SEO SEM especially if you have multilingual content or want to do regionsl SEO SEM -
Wordpress is nice for one language but can be a headache for multilingual SEO!
What is missing in TYPO3 with TV is actually only a good working blog and a contact form with calendar date (for bookings) as this is quite often needed.
The new Form is great but a date / calendar / time function seems to be missing.
Powermail was great WAS unfortunately.
flexgallery works great for responsive design and with Jeffs extension you can create profiles and assign them to your content depending on what device it should show up how!
There is a lot of good stuff going on but often those good things get not online fast because the changes in core are often crashing to much stuff.
The Ter is still not cleaned up!!! from all those Extensions woth deprecated functions and which result in php errors since 4.7.7 and worse 6
If those extensions would be banned into an archive than only probably about 500 extensions would be left in TER which will work instantly and get updated regularly by their developers.
TYPO3 had always the image to be complicated because only the programming aspects and typoscript have been promoted but not the super easy to use extensions which make TYPO3 looking nice and very easy to design and even for people with no html or cas know how to modify.
If those aspects would get promoted a bit more than for sure morepeople would use it.
To be honest it is easier to install a new skin for the framework for templavoila and update the skin regularly or making backup copies with the possibility to switch immediately back if something goes wrong than any skin in wordpress!
Sent from Andi's iPhone
On Nov 15, 2012, at 19:58, Alessandro Tuveri <at at uniud.it> wrote:
> Hi folks
> I approve. But there is a problem that is not connected directly (or better patially connected) with TYPO3.
> Recently I have lost some occasion because the customer preferred to use WORDPRESS. This is very annoying because we are engaged to improve TYPO3 and it is a excellent CMS, but this is not understood.
> Obviously DDD, OO, MVC and the other techniques are very important.
> On my opinion it is very hard to explain to customers why they should prefer a site with TYPO3 CMS.They do not understand anything about DDD, OO, etc. they simply are asking for a beautiful site and doesn't matter what we are doing as programmers.
> More frequent their choice is WORDPRESS or other simply because they are looking for a graphic template very cool.
> Unfortunately sites as templatemonster, etc. are not selling templates for TYPO3 CMS and there is not a beautiful site for TYPO3 (viceversa there is a lot of responsive and good sites made using HTML5/CSS/RESPONSIVE).
> This is the MAIN cause OF lack of popularity and sadly of new opportunities for us.
> thank you
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