[TYPO3-english] is TYPO3 for me

Tonix (Antonio Nati) tonix at interazioni.it
Thu Nov 15 14:27:59 CET 2012

Il 15/11/2012 13:31, Gour ha scritto:
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 08:58:42 +0100
> "Tonix (Antonio Nati)" <tonix at interazioni.it> wrote:
>> No. It is an attempt to wake up while TYPO3 is dying.
> Do you have something better to recommend instead of TYPO3?

Probably I'll switch to alfresco for document content management, but 
still I have to evaluate an alternative CMS in PHP for simpler sites and 
PHP development.

Actually I'm using TYPO3 4.4.x with disabled extbase and custom 
libraries (wich are CMS indipendent),

High likely I'll continue on 4.5.x, making custom changes on what I need 
(and cutting some useless TYPO3 libraries). I need to integrate a lot on 
security and database features, and I will continue investing in my 
custom libraries.



> Sincerely,
> Gour

         Inter at zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati
    http://www.interazioni.it      tonix at interazioni.it

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