[TYPO3-english] is TYPO3 for me
Jigal van Hemert
jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Sun Nov 11 12:58:40 CET 2012
On 11-11-2012 10:40, Gour wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2012 20:22:34 +0100
> Jigal van Hemert <jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org> wrote:
>> There is also t3blog which does a lot of pingback/trackback stuff
>> (I'm not really into blogging). Most people want in the end a method
>> of publishing articles and letting visitors comment on that. The
>> extensions Philipp mentioned can do that easily.
> I read about people's painful experiences making t3blog to work, but
> maybe those are from that 'specific' group. :-)
I've used it for one project. There are two different ways of using it:
- use the plugin. This replaces the entire page (so your page setup is
replaced with the definition in t3blog) and requires some configuration
to make it fit with the rest of the site
- use the individual widgets. This requires a lot of configuration if
you want to modify things
t3blog doesn't really use HTML templates for the output. Everything is
done with TypoScript. If you know your way around TypoScript you can do
magic with t3blog.
>> There is a lot of caching available internally which will make the
>> usual serving of pages a lot cheaper.
> Does it mean there is no need for 3rd party cache like XCache, APC..?
PHP caches like the ones you mention can be very useful, but some have
limitations with some constructs in PHP. These caches usually work by
storing the intermediate code that is used inside PHP. This will
accelerate all PHP, also the code that is used inside TYPO3 to retrieve
a page from the page cache.
If you use caching proxy servers which cache the resulting HTML of a
page there might be problems if that cache is not configured correctly.
This also depends on what your page content is. If you have the same
content for all visitors and if page content doesn't change often then
even a bad caching proxy helps a lot. If frontend users can login, the
page content changes depending on the user, page content is changed
often (e.g. a lot of news items published each day), etc. a caching
proxy must work in a different way.
There are plenty of people who have experience with this and can help
you further; I'm not an expert on server settings and server related tools.
>> Correct. TYPO3 should run on Windows and Unix(-like) operating
>> systems, a webserver, PHP and a database. MySQL is preferred, but the
>> core should run on Oracle, PostgreSQL or MS SQL too. Extensions can
>> perform MySQL specific operations and that might be a problem with
>> other DBMS.
> it would be nice if all extensions would use the common denominator
> making it possible to use other DBMS like PostgreSQL.
I agree. Some extension author have said that they only care about MySQL
and don't even think about being compatible with other DBMS.
You can try to use the system extension DBAL. It comes with some files
that provide custom functions for PostgreSQL and others (they provide
for example the MySQL function FIND_IN_SET() ).
DBAL overrides part of the database API in TYPO3 and implements DBMS
specific implementations of the API functions. It also has an engine to
rewrite queries to make them compatible with other DBMS.
The only the extension developer needs to do is to stick to a set of
DBAL compatible constructions and functions in queries. Unfortunately
not all extension authors do this.
Enjoy TYPO3!
Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member
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