[TYPO3-english] can anyone help me to check this php code?

Stephen Bungert stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Mon May 14 17:01:04 CEST 2012

This may work, I haven't tested it ;)

You need to split the keywords as there are more then one in your example.

function search() {
 if (isset($this->piVars['keyword'])) {
  if(is_array($this->piVars['keyword']) && !empty($this->piVars['keyword'])) 
   $keywords = t3lib_div::trimExplode(' ', $this->piVars['keyword'], true);

   if (!empty($keywords)) {
    $likeClause = '';

    foreach($keywords as $index => $word)
     wordFixed = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($word, 'tx_jc_text');
     wordFixed = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->escapeStrForLike(wordFixed, 

     if ($index > 0) {
      $likeClause .= ' OR tx_jc_text.contents LIKE \'%' . wordFixed . '%\'';
     } else {
      $likeClause .= 'tx_jc_text.contents LIKE \'%' . wordFixed . '%\'';

   $res = $GLOBALS['typo3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
    'fe.uid, fe.email, fe.city',
    'tx_jc_text jc LEFT JOIN fe_users fe ON fe.uid = jc.cruser_id',

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