[TYPO3-english] Scheduler: uptime instead of cron job?

Dennis Hoffland d.o.hoffland at tele2.nl
Wed Jan 11 20:59:29 CET 2012

Hi Xavier,


I did some further digging, taking a closer view of cli_dispatch.phpsh.


If I use /var/www/g12345/mydomain.com/HTML/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh as my
path for passthru () (= option 1 in my previous mail, which I believe to be
the correct path) I get the following error: The first argument must be a
valid key. (See line 107 of cli_dispatch.phpsh).


To see what is actually happening I made a copy of cli_dispatch.phpsh,
renamed it to test_args.php, put it in typo3/.  


Everything after line 105 I have replaced by:


                // Define absolute path to this script



echo 'PATH_thisScript: ' . PATH_thisScript . "\n";


                // First argument is a key that points to the script

define('TYPO3_cliKey', $_SERVER['argv'][1]);


echo 'TYPO3_cliKey: ' . TYPO3_cliKey . "\n";


echo 'init.php path: ' . dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/init.php' . "\n";


echo "Test Arguments:\n";

echo 'argc:'. $_SERVER["argc"]."\n";

echo 'argv 0: '. $_SERVER["argv"][0] . "\n";

echo 'argv 1: '. $_SERVER["argv"][1] . "\n";



As output I get:


PATH_thisScript: /var/www/g12345/mydomain.com/HTML/typo3/testargs.php



init.php path: /var/www/g12345/mydomain.com/HTML/typo3/init.php

Test Arguments:


argv 0: /var/www/g12345/mydomain.com/HTML/typo3/hbs_testargs.php

argv 1:


It clearly demonstrates that $_SERVER["argv"][1] is empty (which would
indeed trigger the error at line 107) and also leaves TYPO3_cliKey


Everything else looks normal to me.


Your thoughts on this?


Kind regards,





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