[TYPO3-english] Crawler and staticpub generates "Error: No crawler, entry found!"

Tony Lush tlush at advancewm.com
Wed Feb 22 07:56:13 CET 2012

I am trying to publish a small site to static HTML pages to be placed on 
another server. Every time I try to run the crawler to generate the 
pages we receive an error: "Error: No crawler,entry found!"

In localconf.php is:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['staticpub']['publishDir'] = 

In Page TSconfig at the site root we have:
tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets {
staticpub = &L=[|_TABLE:pages_language_overlay;_FIELD:sys_language_uid]
staticpub.procInstrFilter = tx_staticpub_publish
staticpub.procInstrParams.tx_staticpub_publish.overruleBaseUrl =
staticpub.baseUrl = http://localhost:8888/

realURL (1.12.0) produces pages with a .html suffix
TYPO3 4.5.10, staticpub 1.1.0, crawler 3.2.0

Can anyone point out the error of my ways?

Thank you -- Tony

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