[TYPO3-english] Help changing menu display levels

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Sun Feb 12 00:37:42 CET 2012

Hi Tim,

Easiest is just removing the 3rd level from the submenu on the left:
Find the Typoscript template called menu.secondlevel and remove the line
	3 < .1
near the end.

If you use the "hide in menu" option the pages will not show up in all menu's, 
unless you create a menu that explicitly includes those pages by using the 
Typoscript option includeNotInMenu (see tsref for all details or google for some 


On 02/11/2012 04:01 PM, Tim Hogan wrote:
> I am using the template that comes with the introductory package of
> Typo3 and I could use some help trying to figure out how to change the
> number of levels that is displayed for just one page.  If I am
> understanding the layout correctly, it is something like this;
> Home
>    |- Page1
>      |- SubPageLevel1
>        |- SubPageLevel2
>          |- SubPageLevel3
> Page1 is displayed along the top beside of the search bar and the
> SubPages are displayed along the left hand side for three sub-levels.
> What I want to do is stop the display of the sub-menus under
> SubPageLevel2 on the left side but still be able to display level 3 with
> the Menu/SiteContent content element.  I have tried to the the "hide in
> menu" option but that seems to hide the item everywhere.  Any ideas? -
> Thanks

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